An original Dynamons expedition is ready to unfold in Dynamons 5! Created by the minds behind Dynamons 4 and Dynamons World, this game introduces four captivating realms to embark on: the Aqua Temple, Blaze Temple, Thunder Temple, and the treacherous Mythical Cave. Acquire adorable, formidable, and enigmatic Dynamons as you traverse this dynamic realm of fiction! Begin with a modest team and gradually assemble your crew with novel creatures, customizing your dream team.
Participate in exhilarating turn-based combats as the fundamental gameplay. Wield action cards to assail and capture weakened adversaries. Access your backpack mid-battle to employ special items that you've gathered. Employ shards to advance your Dynamons and unlock fresh action cards. Challenge fellow trainers and emerge as the mightiest Dynamon Captain! Enjoy gaming utilizing touchpad controls or your mouse.