Embark on an adventure into the realm of science fiction with Rampaging Robots, an exhilarating survival game where renegade androids pose a threat to your very existence! Your primary objective is to break free from the clutches of these unrelenting machines while simultaneously obliterating them as you navigate through treacherous terrains. Strengthen your character and armament to stand a fighting chance against increasingly formidable adversaries. Fortify your protective gear, unlock formidable firearms, and immerse yourself in chaotic yet visually stunning battle sequences as you struggle for survival.
Control your character's movements and combat bots with the touch of a single finger. Automatic shooting allows you to engage the nearest enemy. Gather blue spheres and coins to enhance your character's capabilities.
Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Rampaging Robots and test your endurance against an onslaught of cybernetic assailants!