Embark on a journey into the depths of the ominous underworld in "Blazes & Prosperity," a unique card game inspired by the captivating concept of "Card Crawl." Assume the role of the Pyro-Paladin and engage in intense battles against a hoard of treacherous goblins, fearsome dragons, and various other formidable adversaries, armed with nothing but a 54-card deck. Your ability to strategize and make the right decisions will determine your survival, and triumph will grant you access to unprecedented wealth which will enable you to unlock immensely powerful new abilities. Are you prepared to conquer the unforgiving darkness in pursuit of limitless prosperity?
Utilize your limited resources to draw cards and triumph over your enemies until your deck is ultimately depleted. With each turn, the dashboard will be replenished with fresh cards that will fill up the four available slots. Wisely allocate resource cards within your hands and backpack, and harness their potential to confront your foes by casting influential spells, inflicting direct damage, or leveraging a protective shield to absorb incoming attacks. Along your arduous journey, seize the opportunity to collect valuable treasures and employ hard-earned gold to unlock a vast array of ingenious Ability Cards.